Collective Action Conference Oct 20-21, 2016

b20collectiveactionhub October 20-21, 2016 — Basel Switzerland


St. Johanns-Vorstadt 19-21

The International Centre for Collective Action (ICCA) at the Basel Institute on Governance is hosting a conference entitled “Collective Action: Evidence, Experience and Impact.” The conference will address the latest in research and practice on anti-corruption Collective Action through high-level panel discussions, workshops and key note speakers with distinguished experts and practitioners.


The conference will include sessions on the following: Law enforcement and the private sector: Are collaborative efforts possible?

— Recent research on anti-corruption Collective Action: Is there a formula for success?

— What are the incentives to engage in anti-corruption Collective Action in challenging markets?

— Can the corruption risks in public procurement be cured by Collective Action?

The conference will be of interest to small and large companies and in particular to in-house legal counsel, compliance officers and personnel responsible for wider business integrity issues, as well as policy makers in government, development agencies and civil society engaged in anti-corruption issues.

CBEC Director A. Yakorev was invited to this conference to share his insights on launching his Collective Action «Russian Energy Compliance Alliance» in Russia as well as his efforts to promote another Collective Action — Anti-corruption Charter of the Russian Business through the Russian Chamber of Commerce.