Center for Business Ethics & Compliance
YEARBOOK 2021 CONFERENCE “Ethics, Compliance & Integrity”
Global Online Conference 24-March-2021 | 12:00-18:00 CEST
Anatoly Yakorev had the honor and privilege to open the conference along with 25 other authors who spoke about their publication at this incredible event. This Yearbook 2021 can be purchased here: it contains work of so many authors who have contributed their valuable insights to the publication under Prof Makowicz
The First Panel Moderator Peter Fissenewert introduced Anatoly as Mentor for Conscious Enterprises Network (UK)that put Anatoly’s speech on ‘Integrity Crisis’ in a different context, as he presented hid vision on challenges from New Ethics that defies the rule of law and ethics. Anatoly quoted George Orwell twice, especially the parts that resonate so much with today’s attack on the Western civilization:
“We are living in a world in which nobody is free, in which hardly anybody is secure, in which it is almost impossible to be honest and to remain alive.”’ (The Road to Wigan Pier)
Anatoly outlined the challenges the ethics industry is faced with, when so many overuse the words ethics and integrity thus cheapening them.
The challenge that remains constant is that mythical Tone at the Top, so he had the privilege to announce we had found a method to empower our business leaders to lead with integrity and empathy – our TeeBei method!
Anatoly was proud that one CEO, Alan Wallner has expressed his desire to promote it further in the business community to help them regain their confidence, integrity and vision to lead us all.
Also Anatoly was delighted that he received full support from his colleagues and Board Members of World without Corruption International Alliance!
All panelists provided their updated views on how much their work for the Yearbook resonated with ongoing processes in the world. So much more needs to be done in the area of compliance and ethics to offset damage caused by the covid pandemic and steps taken to mitigate its impact worldwide.
As the covid destroyed opportunities of free travel and exchange through conferences, workshops, master classes and face to face events, paper publications also presented a big challenge due to the fact that most publishing houses had to slow down.
Hence this Yearbook 2021 is a huge endeavor and undertaking by Viadrina Compliance Center Team, who deserve our gratitude and appreciation as authors and contributors, who are committed to promoting ethics and compliance worldwide.